Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Pawlenty Challenge!

Mowerman, start your machine!

Hey wannabe Republican president nominee, I’ll take you up on your challenge what is Barack Obama’s plan for Social Security, et al.

My President has had a plan for quite a while, even if you don’t like it and refuse to recognize the record.

I don’t need you to come to my house to cook me dinner, but I’ll take option B, mowing my lawn. I’ll even be kind and limit myself to the one-acre you offered to Mitt Romney.
Bring a BIG mower, you’ll need it.

In the meantime, please explain how well financial conservative limited government worked out so well with that pesky I-35W bridge collapse in Minnesota. Oh, sorry, you’re the victim and it wasn't YOUR fault! It was that big bad bloated federal government. Yeah, right. YOU killed and traumatized the taxpayers and citizens of YOUR state because YOU were too cheap to invest in infrastructure (dog forbid you even worried about living wage jobs in Minnesota).

In any event, I await your arrival with a BIG mower (hopefully it will mow and also bale hay, which I can really use come this winter). Oh, I'm in eastern Kentucky, the "lawn" is NOT flat. Just letting you know...

[h/t image to MN Progressive Project]

Oh, Post-It note to myself: don’t hold my breath...
Hope springs eternal unless one lives in an America where corporations are "people" and people are "disposable".

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Smug asses

Well, McConnell, Paul, and the rest of you asshats who are happy (not) for you to get a five week vacation while you are so gleeful about screwing the American workers and those who have lost their jobs and homes since GWB and as a result of the machinations of your corporate sponsors.

I do indeed understand you will enjoy your vacation ... while the rest of us who do indeed work do NOT get those vacations ... and the rest you call slackers because they refuse to take minimum wage (or less!) without benefits.

Hey! How about y'all work for minimum wage with no benefits like you think we should be grateful to get? You hate "big government" put your money where you big flapping mouths are! Work for minimum wage and no benefits.

That's what I work for. And I pay taxes (making less than $15,000 a year). I pay federal taxes (income, SS, Medicare, and self-employment), Kentucky state income taxes. I'm fortunate that my spouse got one of those stimulus jobs that you insist that not ONE job was created... but spouse got one and, after 10 years, we have employer-provided health insurance but it costs us $600 a month plus a huge deductible and co-pays. Bet YOU don't have anything close to THAT!

ALSO! I am sick and tired of hearing about these rich "job creators". Where the hell have they been since 2002? They haven't created a single job, just hoarding more and more money (just like YOU!)

STFU about how you got the WIN on this deal. You got the deal for YOU and your corporate masters, not for us who pay your salary, benefits and pension.

How are you going to get that when you put us working class out of work?

Oh, and the economy? I have a savings account at my locally-owned bank. They have an "interest calculator" that uses 5% as the default on the calculator. I haven't seen 5% interest on a savings account since the 60s/70s. My savings account interest right now is 0.1% annual. I should be thankful for THAT???

I won't hold my breath.